제품코드 | G052816 | |
판매 회사명 | 에스제이테크 | |
연락처 | 010-6786-5992 | |
홈페이지 | - | |
제품홍보관 | http://blog.yeogie.com/pak10180 |
◆ 개요 (Description) ▶ 진동 FFT 분석 ▶ 자동 회전 수 측정 (RPM) ▶ 베어링 상태 분석-양호(green), 보통(orange), 불량(red) ▶ 진동 시그널 타임 분석 ▶ 진동 RMS or PEAK 선택표시: 진동 가속도(g), 진동 속도(mm/s) ▶ 주파수 대역 베어링 진단 ▶ 한 화면에 동시표시: 진동 가속도(g), 진동 속도(mm/s) ▶ 고정밀 진동센서 연결(piezoelectric accelerometer with 100 mV/g sensitivity) ▶ 진동 측정기 자동 고장진단 (케이블, 센서, Over Range) ▶ 진동 소음 측정 ▶ 단순버튼-3개 ◇ 주요 용도(Applications) ▶ Machine vibration diagnostics ▶ Bearing diagnostics ▶ Lubrication diagnostics ▶ Service activities ▶ Product final inspection ▣상세설명 ◇ 진동 측정기능 (Measuring Screens ? Methods) ▶ Screen No. 1 ▽ 진동 실효값 측정(RMS vibration values in the ranges): RPM 판단, 기계상태 3단계 판단- 양호(green), 보통(orange), 불량(red) 1. 10 Hz -1000 Hz in mm/s (중 주파수 진동속도) 2. 5 kHz -16 kHz in g (고 주파수 진동 가속도) ▽ with estimate of measure machine speed. ▽Based on the speed and vibration values the machine condition and a color of the displayed value - green / yellow / red - is determined. ▶ Screen No. 2 ▽ 진동 최고값 측정(Measurement of peak vibration values in the ranges): 1. 10 Hz -1000 Hz in mm/s (중 주파수 진동속도) 2. 5 kHz -16 kHz in g (고 주파수 진동 가속도) ▶ Screen No. 3 ▽ 진동 주파수 분석(FFT analysis of vibrations in the range): ▽ 저 주파수 실효값 (2 Hz - 200 Hz in mm/s RMS) ▽ with estimate of machine speed frequency and necessity of balancing. ▶ Screen No. 4 ▽ 진동 주파수 분석(FFT analysis of vibrations in the range): ▽ 저 주파수 실효값 (2 Hz - 200 Hz in mm/s RMS) ▽ 진동 최고값 3개 측정 with display of 3 found maximum peaks. ▽ The peaks are ranked according to amplitude vibration size. ▶ Screen No. 5 ▽ 고 주파수 진동 측정 및 진동신호 시간 측정: Measuring of time signal and vibrations in the range: 5 kHz -16 kHz in g Displays actual measured time signal and its effective and peak values. ▶ Screen No. 6 ▽ 다양한 주파수 대역 진동 실효값 측정: Measurement of RMS vibration values in the ranges: 1. 0.5 kHz - 16 kHz in g 2. 1.5 kHz -16 kHz in g 3. 5 kHz 16 kHz in g ◆ 기술사양 (Technical data) ▷ 입력 진동센서(Input): 1x ICP powered accelerometer with 100 mV/g sensitivity for measurement and recording of vibrations ▷ 출력 진동소음(Output): 1x monoaural AC signal 8 Ω / 0,5 W for external headphones (listening to measured vibration signal) ▷ 진동 측정범위(Measuring Ranges): 1. 10 Hz - 1000 Hz [mm/s] 2. 2 Hz - 200 Hz [mm/s] 3. 5 kHz - 16 kHz [g] 4. 1.5 kHz -16 kHz [g] 5. 0.5 kHz -16 kHz [g]. ▷ 진동 측정값 종류(Data Processing): 1. measurement of effective values (TRUE RMS) 2. measurement of peak values (TRUE PEAK) 3. estimate of speed frequency (120 ? 12000 RPM) 4. spectrum analysis 5. time signal ▷ 화면표시(Display): colored OLED display 128 x 128 pixels, diagonal 1.5“ (38mm) ▷ 센서 최대 측정범위(Measurement Range): automatic, max. 80g peak for sensor 100mV/g, +/-12V peak AC ▷ 사용전원(Power): 1. 2x1.5V (AA size alkaline batteries) or 2. 2x1.2V (NiMH AA size rechargeable batteries) ▷ 소비전원(Consumption): approx. 450 mA with headphones ▷ 외형크기(Dimensions): - 150 x 60 x 35 mm ▷ 무게(Weight): 1. 340 g including batteries (without cable, sensor and magnet) 2. 540 g including batteries, cable, sensor and magnet) ▷ 액세서리(Accessories): vibration sensor, coiled cable to connect vibration sensor, magnetic clamp for vibration sensor, headphones, recording cable with 3.5 mm jacks, measuring tip for manual pressure on the sensor, 1.5V alkaline batteries, transport case. ▷ 기본 제공 제품 리스트(Instrument and accessories): The instrument case contains 1. 본체: measuring instrument A4900 ? Vibrio III 2. 진동 센서: vibration sensor ? accelerometer 3. 마그네틱 베이스: magnetic base for vibration sensor 4. 센서 케이블: coiled cable to connect vibration sensor 5. 헤드폰: headphones 6. 진동센서 부착 나사: measuring tip for putting manual pressure on vibration sensor 7. 건전지: 1.5V alkaline batteries
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